Barbell Back Squat (Regular Stance)

Barbell Back Squat (Regular Stance)

Approach Bar positioned at mid chest level, grab the bar at any range between slightly wider than shoulder width to slightly narrower than shoulder width, while grabbing the bar step underneath to set bar over shoulders (area below neck), in this position push chest out and bring elbows tight to your sides by flexing your lats.  This is the starting position.  Now, lift bar off of rack and take a step or two back to clear rack, place feet shoulder width or wider, take a deep breath and brace your core (like your going to be punched in the stomach), in a controlled manner bend at the hips and knees at the same time and descend to anywhere from bringing hips to the same height as knees, to bringing hips below knees. Explosively stand up to the starting position.  That's one rep.   

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