How To Gain Confidence And Motivation At The Gym

It’s a true shame if you’ve ever walked into a Gym and were ever ridiculed.  However, if this is the case (and you haven’t quit) then we will do our best to boost your confidence and prove everyone wrong!

First of all, remember if people are making fun of others they are really insecure with themselves and are just looking for an outlet that will make them feel better. They are weak.

Put some headphones on 

Listen to loud music that pumps you up and focus on why you started going to the gym in the first place, to become a stronger more confident version of yourself!

Go your own way

Don’t go with a group. Don’t associate with anyone. You’re there for you and you only. Make time for friends elsewhere, you’re there to take care of business. The best way to gain respect and confidence is to be the hardest working one in there! Now, don’t interpret that as sporadically going from exercise to exercise and performing super fast & crazy reps. No, lift heavy, show effort, prove that you’re not messing around!

You ARE getting stronger, and you ARE getting bigger. 

Do not let anyone tell you different. Keep this mantra in your head everywhere you go and remember you are stronger today than you ever have been before!!

Good luck!

If people are making fun of others they are really insecure with themselves.

Now share what you know!