Should I Be Using Gymnastic Rings For Pull Ups?

Honestly if you’re worried about something like this then you really are an animal! Most gym goers won’t even attempt one pull up and you’re like “Am I neglecting something by not using rings?” Well, it’s all good for strength and muscle development. 

Compare It To Another Movement

Think of the difference between a straight bar and rings as doing the bench press with a barbell and with dumbbells. The barbell represents the straight bar, and the dumbbells represent the rings. When you do the bench press with a barbell you’re making all muscles involved work together to complete the movement. With dumbbells, each side of your body is working independently to complete the task. So, a straight bar is making all muscles involved work together to perform the movement, and with rings your each side is working independently.

Do Both!

Most people include both dumbbell bench and barbell bench press exercises into their workout routine. The straight bar will allow you to perform more reps or, if you have a weight belt, perform heavy weighted pull ups; while the rings will allow you to work on strengthening each side of your body. So, if possible include both into your pull up routine as well!

It’s all good for strength and muscle development. 

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