Strength Training

You would follow the mantra of go big or go home, right?   Well, I'll tell you that this mentality couldn't be further from the truth.  While we absolutely condone lifting the heaviest weight you can...
When you’re a natural lifter (non steroids) there is no difference. There has been a growing misconception of a disassociation with muscle size and strength...
Well, the most important thing is that you are challenging yourself! Remember this over everything else. Meaning that if you have the reps and sets chosen...

If you were to train at 100% every day you'd fry your nervous system.  So, in short yes, one rep max (ORM) training should only be used to...

I’ve always been a firm believer in free weights over machines. Reason being is supportive muscle and secondary muscle movement. When you are on a machine it is pretty isolated…
When people first start going to the gym they feel a need to go every day and push themselves to the point of collapsing. While we encourage this enthusiasm...
