0% body fat would be unhealthy, not only that I believe it would be extremely difficult to achieve naturally.
Fat Is Necessary
Fatty tissue is a survival response, in other words your body will always try to store it. So, even if you get there your body will quickly bounce out of it. With that, the effort required to burn one pound of fat is 3500 calories. If you want to get down from 10% to 5% body fat, at let’s say 200 lbs that would mean you would need to burn about 10 lbs of fat. That equates to burning 35,000 calories, or being in a caloric deficit for however long to reach that number.
Also, you will be a very miserable person at 0% body fat. No energy, no drive, no testosterone…
It’s a dangerously unhealthy and nearly un-achievable goal to attempt.
0% body fat would be unhealthy, not only that I believe it would be extremely difficult to achieve naturally.
- Diet
- Food For Thought
- Six Pack
- Weight Loss