
It took nearly 10 years of lifting weights, research, and experimentation to learn not only are there exercises that are more important (and effective) than others but also...

Probably one of the biggest complaints new comers to fitness have is the next day soreness that they experience, especially after leg day or exercising their core. When the next morning comes...

There is a set standard at the gym; that the true measure of someone’s strength is the amount of weight they can bench press, dead lift, and squat. But we don’t care about...
Going to the gym everyday (along with eating right) is the mindset of every person just starting out with fitness. But does days logged in at the gym equate to better results? Well, that depends on a few things...
Honestly if you’re worried about something like this then you really are an animal! Most gym goers won’t even attempt one pull up…
 A gym partner is a very valuable asset when you’re just starting out on your fitness journey. Here are a few things to consider...
If you are anywhere near your one rep max, proceed with caution.  Yes, it can be argued that you don’t need a belt with a strong core. However...
Shin Splints are painful!  Can you imagine muscles getting inflamed to a point that they’re actually putting pressure on your bones?  Yes, that is what is going on...
I’ve always been a firm believer in free weights over machines. Reason being is supportive muscle and secondary muscle movement. When you are on a machine it is pretty isolated…
