A lot of people are aware of never giving up, and not quitting. You can read tons of motivating quotes printed by various sports apparel companies, and a quick Youtube search will return thousands of motivating videos. So, many people have the right idea and attitude. However, the underlying problem with someone quitting their fitness journey invariably comes down to a lack of desire to perform the required activity. This burden is exposed when you can understand that the workout, or physical activity, is not what will be the responsible factor for you achieving your fitness goals; rather it is the act of working out or participating in a physical activity that will get you to your goal. So, if you’re on the fence and barely hanging on, I suggest you throw that workout program you’re using aside and prepare to understand that while all workouts and physical activities may get you to where you want to be, success can only be achieved by what excites you.
Why stick with something you are going to get bored with? If there is no passion, or no motivation, you will quit. So trying to hold on to something that isn’t doing you any good is actually more corrosive than good. If you have lost that motivation, don’t throw out the goal; throw out the means by which you believe will get you to that goal.
Hit Restart
Throw out the training schedule, throw out the training regimen, and throw out the diet. Throw out everything you’re doing right now because they will all draw you away from achieving any goal. Should you be doing this training schedule, regimen, and diet? Absolutely, you should. However, from experience, you need to slowly work into this stuff because over the course of time you will eventually fall into this grove of following the proper training schedule, regimen, and diet. However, if you go quickly from 0 – 100, you will go even quicker from 100 – 0. So what do we suggest?
Regarding working out, you need to stay within your comfort zone. Again, sports apparel companies will tell you to get out of your comfort zone, and while they may be right, you need to be in that “winning mentality” to even have that drive or desire to be out of your comfort zone. For a beginner, the best place to be is in your comfort zone, because right now you’re in that “surviving mentality” which means that your comfort zone is surrounded by that quitting zone, and there is fine line to cross to get to it.
Diet And Exercise Requires Baby Steps
Eat one healthy meal a day, then two, then three; then eat healthy once per week, then twice, three times…until you’ve gotten to that point where not eating healthy makes you feel guilty.
Exercising is done in the same fashion, except it’s broken down into two categories: schedule, and regimen. The schedule is how often per week you are being physically active, and the regimen is what you’re doing. Treat your workout schedule in a similar fashion to your dieting; start with one workout per week, then two, then three, etc.
The more difficult aspect in this matter is the regimen itself. For one, most beginners are unsure what to do when they get to the gym, and secondly most people perform the same exercises week in and week out. Both of these reasons are why so many people quit going to the gym and their attempts to lose weight and get in shape. It is for these reasons that we created a free workout generator. This workout generator is comprised of over 150 trillion workouts so that you will never have a need to stick with a workout you get bored with; as a matter of fact you can do a different workout every day…for the rest of your life. So, now you will always know what you’re doing when you get to the gym and also, you will have a nearly unlimited selection of workouts that you can choose from!
People lose motivation quickly. The most important thing to remember here is this: you are re-shaping your very own existence; your mentality, your physique, and your outlook on life. Don’t rush into this by fighting that imaginary battle of other people’s perception of you. You are on your own journey, and you are fighting a good fight. Believe in what you want to achieve, otherwise you will not get any joy out of life.
We hope the best for you and your fitness journey!
If you go quickly from 0 – 100, you will go even quicker from 100 – 0.
- Getting Started
- Motivation
- Tips
- Weight Training