So you go to the gym. Why? What’s your purpose? Do you have a specific goal, like strength training for a sport, or for power lifting, or do you go for weight management because your doctor told you to? Now, if you’re like the rest of us, you’re going to the gym to improve your physique. It’s an admirable hobby, or perhaps even a lifestyle change, but will quickly spiral out of control if your goal is to become a bodybuilder. With this goal, proceed with caution. You can look at any muscle magazine and see people in optimal shape, and even see yourself with that body. Before you do, understand that is not all that it appears to be, and with that, here are the biggest hoaxes in the bodybuilding industry.
Now, before we get into the discussion, we’re not ridiculing bodybuilders at all. Their dedication to work out the way they do, monitor the calories, and keep to rigorous schedules, is absolutely inspiring.
So now, here’s where it gets awkward. Bodybuilders take steroids, don’t look this way year round, and supplements/protein shakes are not what got them where they are.
Tren Hard!
Yes, every bodybuilder from the late 70’s on has been on steroids. Is it bad? Is it good? Honestly, who’s to say? Does it make the person happy, and is it any concern of yours? Perhaps, the point to drive home here is, if you want to look the way they do, you’ll have to take steroids…and a lot of them. The best things you can do as a natural lifter is lift weights around 3 – 5 times per week, and progressively challenge yourself with increasing weights, shortening rests, and increasing reps. We’ve got tons of workouts that will constantly switch up your rep count and vary the weight you will be lifting. Check out our workout generator!
Eat Clen!
No, bodybuilders don’t look the way they do on stage all year round. In fact, most bodybuilders will look over weight and out of shape at least 6 months of the year. So there’s that. If you want to look your best year round, eat a diet that is full of wholesome nutritious foods. You may not be gigantic, but you’ll be fit and healthy! Read this article on staying ripped year round: article.
Supp-er Man
Most supplements are nonsense, and nearly all pre workouts follow the same formula: a lot of caffeine, mixed with beta Alanine (makes you feel all tingly). Protein shakes are good and all but in no means are they the best or only thing you should have after a workout. The reasons why bodybuilding will never be a sport is because 1. They don’t have consistent drug testing and 2. It really is just a means to sell supplements and protein shakes. That’s it. Maybe during the time of Arnold it had potential to be something legitimate, but now, it’s comprised of talent whose only means of a paycheck is through sponsorship…by supplement companies.
To conclude, we’d like to reiterate that while bodybuilding may never be considered a sport, it is for sure one of the toughest ways to make a living, and has inspired a generation to look and feel their best! So to you all we say, lift those weights, feel that burn, embrace the sweat and tears, and do what you gotta do because as Ronnie Coleman would say, “…everybody wants to be bodybuilders, but nobody wants to lift those heavy ass weights!”
Stay strong.
Bodybuilders take steroids, don’t look this way year round, and supplements/protein shakes are not what got them where they are.
- Food For Thought
- Getting Started
- Muscle Size
- Supplements