You may have heard the saying, with regards to shedding pounds, “Calories burned must be greater than calories consumed.” To some, this saying may bring an obvious solution. To others, this may open a door to many questions. In either case, let this article educate you on your options; you can then choose your path. Honestly, there isn’t a wrong answer here.
Step 1: Monitor Your Diet
We all know that the only path for energy input is through our mouths…so let’s start here.
Keep your meals as simple as possible: A Good source of Protein, A Good source of Carbohydrates, and a Good source of Fat. Mix into your meals plenty of vegetables, fruits, and nuts to get all of your vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Good sources of Protein - Whole Eggs, Salmon, Turkey, Beef, Chicken, etc.
Good sources of Carbs - Potatoes (All types), Quinoa, Oatmeal, Whole Grain, etc.
Good sources of Fats - Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Grass Fed Butter, Avocados, Sardines, etc.
Pro Tip: Eat the same stuff daily, or vary only slightly between meals. When you eat the same diet daily it becomes easier to monitor your calories and be able to tell how your body responds to any changes in your diet.
Regarding quantities, that must be tailored to meet your specific needs. You can find a number of online calorie calculators, here’s a good free simple one.
Step 2: Choose An Activity
In regards to calories burned, the Mayo Clinic did a study on calories burned per hour per activity type.
For Cardio:
The average calories burned for all types of aerobic activity is 540 calories per hour.
For Resistance Training:
The average calories burned is 455 calories per hour.
Now, before you go ahead and say that settles it, remember resistance training provides the benefit of improved muscle development. Having a muscular physique burns more calories.
So, with all of that being said, whether you choose cardio or weight training or a combination of both it all comes down to your intensity, consistency, discipline, and how challenging you make it.
Good luck…we prefer lifting weights.
Having a muscular physique burns more calories.
- Food For Thought
- Getting Started
- Motivation
- Weight Loss