When it comes to physical conditioning, doing the same thing everyday is beneficial but not with what you may be thinking. By performing the same movement/exercise/workout everyday you will be improving your strength but not your muscle growth. There’s a simple reason why.
Our bodies are the most efficient machines on the planet.
So when you perform the same tasks day in and day out you will be telling your body that this is a consistent task. Consistent tasks will be adapted to. Our bodies adapt in two ways: ease of performance, and efficient performance.
Ease of Performance
You may say well bigger muscles equals stronger muscles, but I will tell you that while someone with bigger muscles will be strong, you will notice that people such as cowboys/farmers/carpenters/mechanics…essentially anyone with manual labor, are very strong individuals as well and have very limited muscle mass. This is because their bodies have developed the strength to perform these tasks at hand; and brings me to the second point.
Efficient Performance
Big muscles require more energy to be maintained than small muscles do. To be the most efficiently strong person you can become your body will not accumulate muscle mass by performing routine movements day in and day out. However your body will become stronger by creating denser muscle fibers within the tissue. Granted these above mentioned individuals will have a tone muscular body (assuming diet and genetics are good) but they will not be giant muscular individuals.
So to answer the question, by performing the same exercises day in and day out, you too are following a physical conditioning regimen similar to the manual labor workers and you too will become stronger at those given tasks but big muscles you will not have.
How Do We Grow Muscles?
If this above argument makes sense then the only way you can grow muscles is by confusing them; don’t let them adapt to the physical demands.
It is from this notion that we’ve created the Free Workout Generator. With over 150 trillion free workout routines you will have a different workout everyday for the rest of your life! Your body will have no opportunity to adapt! So be sure to grab your daily workouts and keep your muscles in the dark as to knowing what you’ll be doing because a confused muscle is an unhappy muscle, and an unhappy muscle is a growing muscle.
You will become stronger at those given tasks but big muscles you will not have.
- Food For Thought
- Muscle Size
- Recovery
- Weight Training