You may be aware of those DVD workout routines that everyone talks about, or the gimmicky exercise equipment that pops up on late night TV, all of these have given the assumption that if you’re working out at home you either don’t have enough time in your day to go to the gym or you’re a sucker for buying into that perfect pushup (because it’s totally what the SEALS use.). Either way, we’ll take our years of fitness knowledge to persuade you that you don’t need a gym membership.
To begin, there are two paths you can go down:
1. A Bodyweight Workout Routine - like calisthenics
2. Actual Resistance Training you can do from home.
Here at Fitvocate, you will find Trillions of free bodyweight and at home workout routines! Head to the home page, select which workout style you prefer, and hit “GIVE ME MY WORKOUT”. Once you select a routine you find suitable, we must check if there is some equipment you need to purchase.
With regards to Bodyweight workouts, you won’t need to purchase any equipment to do these routines.
For at home resistance training I recommend getting:
· A door frame pull-up bar
· A few kettle bells of varying weights
Now that you have your routine, and all the necessary equipment, we’re ready to begin!
For bodyweight routines you’re going to be following what is called a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and on this website, what that means is you’ll perform the movement for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds, and keep doing this movement for the designated amount of time (2,3,4, or 5 minutes).
For at home resistance training routines found on this website, you’ll find a mix of resistance training and bodyweight exercises. With a pull up bar, you’ll be able to do pull-ups and chin-ups; a weighted dip belt will allow you to add some resistance as you pull up – Arnold Schwarzenegger once said that the pull up was his go to back exercise. The kettle bells can be used for a bunch of exercises: Squats, Lunges, Curls, Presses, and as the weight for Weighted Pull-up & Weighted Chin-ups.
For whichever workout style you choose, be sure you are Consistent and Disciplined, and keep it Intense and Challenging!
Visit our homepage: workout generator, choose a workout, and let’s get started!
Fitvocate will be along with you on your journey! We are advocates of your goals!
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