The muscles are there. They don’t just magically appear. Some people just develop them “better” than others, that’s the fact of the matter. There are a few factors that accentuate the abdominal appearance, including: a narrow waist, bloating, a strong core, and a low body fat percentage.
Above all a low body fat percentage is the most profound component that tends to show abdominal muscles. You start seeing abs at around 12% body fat. Now, you may be saying “I’ve seen really skinny people without abs?” Well, the reason some skinny people don’t have a six pack may be because their body is stubborn with developing those muscles. Abdominal muscles are still muscles. I’m sure you’ve seen guys who are very muscular yet have poorly developed calf muscles. It varies from person to person. It’s not impossible to develop these muscles, it just requires more effort.
How To Develop The Muscles
There are two components to developing a six pack, Diet and Exercise.
Exercise: You may be thinking along the lines of crunches and planks. While these are great options to isolate the core, you’ll get great results by performing total body movements like the squat, dead lift, and military press. Also, performing cardio exercises are great supplements to your workout routine, you can run, sprint, play sports, or perform HIIT Body weight movements. All of these will tone your body.
Diet: Putting your body in a calorie deficit is how you lose weight. There are multiple ways to do this but starving yourself is not the way to go! Eating slightly less calories than what you need is good enough, if you are active and need about 2500 calories try eating around 1800 – 2000 calories. Also, be sure you’re only eating quality food. That’s good sources carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
Follow these steps and you too will have a six pack.
4 Words of advice that you can use for this goal and any goal in life: Be Persistent, be Consistent, be Disciplined, and be Dedicated.
Good luck!
- Diet
- Food For Thought
- Six Pack
- Tips