Ok so you want to be bathing suit ready…in January…in Chicago? Why not? You never know, you might get a surprise business trip to Florida. You don’t want to be that person who doesn’t look good in a bathing suit, right? Well, maintaining this sort of physique will take some effort. If you’re up to it, here is what you need in order to stay ripped year round!
Diet And Exercise Are All You Need
Eat a “Pro Testosterone” diet, one that consists of foods that promote testosterone production in your body. High testosterone equates to lower body fat percentages. What to eat: A modified vegetarian diet is probably the best route (NOT Vegan). A modified vegetarian diet consists of the usual vegetarian diet but also includes fish. So good protein sources (Eggs, Fish, Greek Yogurt), combined with good carbohydrate sources (Sweet Potatoes, Oatmeal, Quinoa, and Beans), and good fat sources (uncooked Olive Oil, Uncooked Coconut Oil, Avocados, Grass Fed Butters) puts your body in the optimal position for testosterone production. Include this diet with lots of good fruits and vegetables (Kale, Broccoli, Cabbage, Beets, Blueberries, Bananas, Pineapples) and you’re on the fast track to success!! Adhering to this diet is crucial; the key is Consistency and Discipline.
The only suggestion I can make here is keep your workouts INTENSE and CHALLENGING. Intense refers to keeping your rest periods between sets short. Challenging refers to using the heaviest weight you can to properly complete all of the reps of all of the sets.
By following this regimen you should be able to maintain a good physique year round.
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Diet And Exercise Are All You Need
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- Weight Loss