Anyone who exercises asks this question. Whether you’re just getting started, or you’ve been at it for a good while, everyone wants to see improvement! Some people appreciate the achievement of small goals like a first pull up, or running a mile. Then there are the rest of us. Show me them sweet gains! Hold on now, there are a few factors at play here. Let’s go over these and give you a new perspective and perhaps a better appreciation of those hard earned muscles!
You Can’t Compare Yourself To Others
Everyone has different hormone chemistry (higher or lower levels of testosterone, growth hormone, etc.). If you’re a teenager, for instance, your testosterone levels haven’t even peaked yet. If you’re a late bloomer you’ll start seeing improvements around 18 or so…don’t be discouraged! Whatever the timeline is until you start reaching your hormonal “peak” just know that even at that level we are all unique. Unique as in how we put on muscle. Strength is something that will increase across the board, no matter who you are. Muscle mass, however, is a product of genetics. Appreciating yourself for who you are is the most beautiful attitude you can have. Let your improvement in physical strength be your guide, all else will come in time; which brings us to the second point.
Be Consistent and Disciplined
The best path to take with gaining muscle is the consistent one. Exercising periodically really won’t have any benefits. Think about it: active twice per week and non active five times per week, what type of results are you expecting? Discipline is your attitude towards your goal. How motivated are you, if it really isn’t a priority then you will have a hard time getting yourself to be active. I say find something you are interested in, maybe a sport or bmx or surf? Either way, being active is the most important part!
With all of that being said, don’t let this journey become a chore. You should have fun, you should feel the satisfaction, and know that all good things that are worthwhile take time. Be patient and develop a more consistent and disciplined attitude, you’ll be happy you did!
Let your improvement in physical strength be your guide
- Food For Thought
- Motivation
- Muscle Size
- Tips