So, you’ve decided to change something about yourself, maybe being active hasn’t been important to you, or you have been in the past, but life caught up with you and you had to put an active lifestyle on the back burner; and now you feel this overwhelming desire to become active. That’s great! But, how do we do it? How do we change ourselves after all of this time of telling ourselves being active wasn’t important? We will show you the steps to take (plus 4 essential words that will ensure success) that will change your mind about fitness; and with a new vision will come a new reality, one where you are healthy happy and energetic!
Determining a Goal
What is it that sparked your desire for fitness? Was it weight loss? Was it after watching a sporting event? Did you watch an Arnold Schwarzenegger documentary? Whatever the case is, decide on your goal up front. How could you be successful if you don’t have a goal to achieve success from? Choose a goal and stick with it. Remember: while goals may stay constant, objectives (or tasks required to achieve a goal) can change, but only after you complete them - make your goals achievable! When setting goals, start small, choose a small objective you can accomplish today i.e.: join a gym, buy exercise clothes, find out where your local recreation centers are. Setting and achieving smaller tasks gets you ready for success, keeps you motivated and puts you in the proper mindset of your overall goal. Continue with these objectives to really build up the momentum!
Once you’ve established your goal, you should work on improving your efforts. If your goals are weight loss, strength training or bodybuilding, you may be saying to yourself “this is straight forward, just go to the gym. Eat clean. Rest and repeat.” Yes...it is easy isn’t it? This brings us to our next topic.
Choose a Routine to Meet Your Needs
As a beginner, the gym may be an intimidating place: there is a lot of equipment, everyone looks like they know what they’re doing, and if you don’t have a plan heading into the gym, odds are you won’t go back. Let’s fix that! You’ve come to the right place: with over 150 Trillion FREE workouts, we guarantee that you will always know what to do when you get to the gym!
Let’s discuss your goals for a moment and why the gym is the perfect place for you to achieve them.
As an example: let’s take an athlete, training for a sport; let’s say Football (American). On the field he may notice a weakness in himself: either in his explosive power, speed, or endurance. The athlete then goes to the gym to focus on and improve these weaknesses. You can do the same exact thing! If you’re interested in a sport and start playing it, you’ll notice that while your skills may be improving, your athleticism is still lacking. You too would go to the gym and improve these weaknesses in the same fashion!
But what about you gym goers who are focused solely on weight loss, strength training, and bodybuilding? Well, for you, a good routine to follow is all you need! With whatever goal you are setting for yourself, there are 4 essential words that if you pursue diligently, you will ensure success! They are: Intensity, Challenging, Consistency, and Disciplined.
Intensity & Challenging
Let’s first discuss the words that will describe your workout and mindset every time you go into the gym.
I know what you may be thinking, but Intensity doesn’t mean running all over the gym, doing super fast reps and insane movements. Actually Intensity means you are keeping your rest period between sets short (30 seconds - 2 minutes). By keeping the rest range relatively short, you are keeping your heart rate at a level that encourages: stamina, fat loss, and explosive strength.
Challenging means you are using the heaviest amount of weight to properly perform each rep of each given set (emphasizing on properly executed). Proper execution doesn’t mean you’re lifting the heaviest weight possible while destroying your back or any other part of your body – proper execution of complex compound movements requires (like most things) a humble beginning of lower weight and building the muscle memory required to properly perform the movements – you do these humbling steps in the very beginning, all in understanding that you’re not an expert and that in due time you will become proficient in the movements. Once you understand these two words, it is under these conditions your body must always try to adapt to the constant challenge, improved strength, athleticism, and endurance. So, eventually it won’t matter what workout you do, you will see results.
Consistency & Disciplined
These last two words are what your mindset must be inside and outside of the gym - they’re more like lifestyle words.
Consistent means you are making a habit of something; this includes following your goals by: going to the gym, going to every practice, eating a healthy diet, etc. Consistency is your way of life, and it is what you do most. Pay attention to your daily life now - all of the habits and routines you follow have led you to this point, so change them and you will change your life!
Disciplined is the supplemental word to Consistency. While consistent may be the means to the goal, discipline is the “why” to your goal. When someone hands you a slice of pizza and you turn it down, they say why? Discipline is your answer. When people ask you why can’t you skip the gym today? Discipline is your answer. Discipline is the fast track to success. It is a very powerful word; make it a part of your daily vocabulary.
Remember: Consistency – Disciplined – Intensity – Challenging
If you have any questions, feel free to Contact Us
- Getting Started
- Motivation
- Weight Loss
- Weight Training