Have you ever gone to the gym and felt tired, or weak, and wondered what’s wrong? Perhaps you should be wondering “Should I have eaten so much so soon before going to the gym.”
What You Need To Know
Going to the gym after eating a big meal can be very difficult. When your stomach is full, your body imposes a great effort to digest that food quickly; in the process of doing so it forces blood to the surrounding muscle tissue of the stomach to aid in the digestion process, and to transport those nutrients to the rest of the body. This transit of blood draws away from your “exercising” muscles and as a result increases fatigue, potential cramping, and decreases muscle strength.
Go Fasted
Going to the gym on an empty stomach isn’t what you think; it’s called being in a fasted state. Being in a fasting state, at least 12 hrs without eating, forces your body to depend on stored energy (namely fat) as a fuel source. So working out in this state will accelerate the fat that you burn! Also, another bonus to working out fasted is it increases your growth hormone levels. Growth hormone is responsible for so much development in your body, and being in a fasted state will up your levels nearly 2000%!
If you’re not into trying a fasted workout, then try and wait 1 – 2 hours after eating to hit the gym. Sometimes it may be best to try mixing it up and get out of your comfort zone. Working out fasted puts you in a warrior mindset…it’s more primal!
So remember, don’t starve yourself, we were designed to eat! However, with that in mind, consider the hunter pursuing the mammoth, when is he his strongest, most focused, and most determined: when he’s hunting or when he’s eaten his catch? Put in your work, and then go eat.
Try and wait 1 – 2 hours after eating to hit the gym.
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