Going to the gym isn’t enough to put on the muscle that you want. There are two factors that must be considered when your goal is maximizing muscle gains: Diet and Exercise. Also, just because you’re doing these two things; it doesn’t mean you’re doing them right. We’ve dissected exactly what it means to diet and exercise for maximum gains!
Eat a “Pro Testosterone” diet, one that consists of foods that promote testosterone production in your body. High testosterone equates to lower body fat percentages. So, what to eat? Keep your meals as simple as possible. When the food is sitting in front of you on a plate you should be able to name all of the ingredients. Base your meals around the big three: Protein, Fats, and Carbohydrates. You should be getting them from good sources. Good protein sources (Eggs, Fish, Greek Yogurt, Beef, Chicken, Pork) – bad sources (Soy, Corn, Tofu, Fake meat, Rice). Good carbohydrate sources (Sweet Potatoes, Oatmeal, Quinoa, and Beans) – bad sources (white rice, white bread, corn flour, soy flour). Lastly, good fat sources (Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Avocados, Grass Fed Butters) – bad sources (Margarine, vegetable shortening, soy oil, corn oil, canola oil). Eating these high quality foods puts your body in the optimal position for testosterone production. Include in this diet lots of good fruits and vegetables (Kale, Broccoli, Cabbage, Beets, Blueberries, Bananas, Pineapples) and good nuts (walnuts, almonds, and brazil nuts) to get your vitamins, fiber, and minerals requirements. With your nutrients in check, you’re on the fast track to success!! Adhering to this diet is crucial; the key is Consistency and Discipline.
As far as workouts are concerned, sticking to it is what’s most important. One of the most detrimental factors for stopping is lack of motivation. People lose motivation when they’re not seeing results (Not a problem if you’re eating right!), or if they get bored with their workout routine. Good news! Head to our workout generator on the homepage, here you’ll have access to over 150 trillion different workouts for free! A suggestion when following any workout plan is to keep your workouts INTENSE and CHALLENGING. Intense refers to keeping your rest periods between sets short. Challenging refers to using the heaviest weight you can to properly complete all of the reps of all of the sets.
By following this regimen you should start seeing results within a couple weeks. We hope the best for you and your fitness goals!
High testosterone equates to lower body fat percentages.
- Muscle Size
- Strength Development
- Testosterone
- Weight Training