Tips And Tweaks For Bigger Arm Muscles

Above getting a six pack, this is probably the most sought after goal for most gym goers.  Before you head to the gym and start pumping out tons of bicep curls and tricep extensions, learn the proper techniques that will get you the biggest gains in the shortest amount of time!   

Believe it or not this information is probably just tips and tweaks to stuff you already do and know. Apply all or some, but either way, this information should help you out:

  • Time Under Tension
  • Stability
  • Overload Training


Time Under Tension

Have you ever noticed how gymnasts all look jacked? Go and youtube some of their training regimens. They don’t lift weights. So, what are they doing? If you watch them train you will see they are performing very complex movements, that require complete upper body strength. Then understand the amount of time they are in these very physically demanding positions. Does this mean you need to go and jump on the pommel horse? Not at all, it simply means you need to incorporate more time under tension into your exercising. Explosively going through the movements isn’t what we’re looking for. Perform the Arm workout slowly.


Now look at Olympic Weightlifters. Yes you can draw a lot from Olympic athletes. They’re professional athletes that don’t use performance enhancing drugs (Say what?). Anyway, Olympic Weightlifters tend to have bigger arms as well because they’re performing stability movements such as the Snatch, and the Clean and Jerk. Have you ever wondered why your legs are stronger than your arms? They’re bigger, yes of course, but they’re also performing a function that your arms aren’t concerned with: stability. You can carry this over to your training regimen by performing movements like the Standing Over Head Press, and with practice even the Snatch, and Clean and Jerk.

Overload Training

Tired of tricep extensions, and bicep curls? Considering that you won’t be able to go that heavy with these movements, you may not be seeing the results that you’d like. Give this a try: Instead of bicep curls, perform bent over underhand grip barbell rows. It’s the same movement as the bicep curl, except you’re bent over which allows you to incorporate a bigger muscle group: your back. Using bigger muscles means you can use bigger weights. Bigger weights have been shown to increase muscle mass and size! Also, perform weighted Chin-ups and Dips. Grab yourself a weighted dip belt, like this one. Incorporating this into your workout will do wonders for increasing your strength in other movements as well.


  • Perform your reps slowly.
  • Perform stability exercises like the Over Head Press, Snatch, Clean & Jerk.
  • Use more weight.
  • Get a Weighted Dip Belt


As always, with anything new you’re trying, give it a couple of weeks.  Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see results immediately.  Stick with it, be persistent, and consistent.  Results will come, and they’ll be worth it!

You need to incorporate more time under tension into your exercising.

Now share what you know!