Worried about losing those hard earned gains? Hours spent at the gym sweating to [insert ironic shameful pop band] just to watch it all wash away with that dank skin juice? Well, my friend, there is a reason they call them the gains; they’re not that easy to be lost. You betcha!
Our bodies were flawlessly designed to adapt and be optimized for the predominant stimuli we experience. If you live a sedentary lifestyle of sitting around all day not eating, then yes, your body will begin to diminish your muscle mass in an assumption that you are starving yourself. Or, perhaps you mixed whisky with that sleeping pill and are in a state of hibernation. Even in these cases it would be after all of your subcutaneous fat stores (because that’s one of the primary functions of fat) have been depleted that you would start to lose muscle mass. Gabye gainz! The only common place where muscle may be lost before fat is when your body is in excess of muscle mass, as what may be a concern for bodybuilders or power lifter, or some athletes, which is why they are always eating (Samich Thirty). Below is the ordinary hierarchy of stored energy use, there are cases where this hierarchy is rearranged. For the most part, a healthy individual can experience energy usage as follows:
Sugar that is metabolized in the liver
Subcutaneous Fat
Muscle Tissue
Visceral Fat
What you’ll see with some people who starve themselves yet take part in very little, if any, physical activity have what is known as a “skinny fat” physique. This is a result of the person’s body using all of the subcutaneous fat that is found just under the skin, and all that is remaining is the visceral fat that protects the organs. Visceral fat is only burned as a latch ditch effort for survival.
Now, since you’re on this website and obviously are taking advantage of the free workout generator located on our homepage, this is not a concern. If you are active, lift weights, play sports or just don’t sit all day like that dang couch tater, then that would be the predominant stimuli you experience. It would benefit you not to use your muscle as fuel. Your body will get lean and your strength may diminish as a result of less energy input, but your body will not use muscle as energy until it is absolutely necessary.
If you are eating, and you are working out, your body will not turn to your muscles for fuel. If you’re eating the wrong types of foods (#CheeseburgersIsLife), then well, you may get a tad chubby but as long as you are eating your muscles are safe. Cheers to keeping those gains!
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