If you were to train at 100% every day you'd fry your nervous system. So, in short yes, one rep max (ORM) training should only be used to establish a baseline for how much weight to use during your actual workouts.
For instance, when trying to decide what is a good weight to deadlift for 5 sets of 5 reps, I tell people to lift 60 - 90% of their ORM. So you’d figure out what you’re ORM is and then scale it to some number in that percentage range but always round UP to GYM units (5 or 10 lbs intervals).
EX: Deadlift ORM - 405 lbs, 60% - 245 lbs
For more info check out this link: What Weight Should I Use?
Good luck, and have fun!!
One rep max (ORM) training should only be used to establish a baseline for how much weight to use during your actual workouts.
- Food For Thought
- Muscle Size
- Strength Development
- Weight Training