So, you’ve gotten your body to a physique that you’re happy with. All of those hours of sweat and hard work have paid off. Yet when you look in the mirror, something still frustrates you. No matter how hard you try you just can’t seem to fix it. Now you’re worried that you may lose that hard earned physique in order to fix this problem. This problem of course is having chubby cheeks. Even with a physique of a Spartan warrior, with chubby cheeks, you will be rocking the baby face instead of the bad ass look you may be shooting for. Well don’t worry! There are a few reasons to consider that, with effort, can chisel out those cheeks!
Not Getting Enough Water
While a puffy face from this is a more immediate response from being dehydrated. Try incorporating more water into your day, and see if it helps.
Too Much Salt
This reason kind of ties into the first one. However, if you’re daily diet consists of a lot of salt then dehydration may be the problem. Try incorporating Cream of Tartar into your water, about 2 grams or so. Cream of Tartar is good because it is high in potassium which will help flush out excess sodium (the salt that you’re familiar with).
Increase Testosterone
Both men and women alike can benefit from this one. Now, I’m talking naturally here (no drugs) this is the amount of testosterone your body can produce naturally - don’t worry about gaining excessive levels if you’re a woman, it will naturally be higher in men than women. Higher levels of testosterone has been shown to decrease facial fat.
Now, let’s put this stuff into action! Achieving this task can be done with a two part procedure, Diet and Exercise.
- Eat high quality proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
- Good sources of protein are foods like fish (Salmon, and Sardines), chicken, and beef. For your meats try and get organic and grass-fed if possible.
- Good sources of fats are foods like olive oil (uncooked is best), coconut oil (uncooked), avocados, almonds, and butter.
- Good sources of carbohydrates are foods like potatoes (all types), quinoa, brown rice, 100% whole grain macaroni, and various beans.
- All of your meals should be a combination of these three macro ingredients. Mix in a good amount of fruits and vegetables (vitamins and minerals) and you’ll have a great balanced diet that will be more conducive for muscle development.
- Exercising induces sweating. However, exercise the right way. Spending your entire time doing cardio may not be the best route to solving this problem. Low intensity cardio (treadmill jogging or biking) doesn’t cut it…literally. Try doing some high intensity training (sprinting, or Tabata workouts). Check out the Workout Generator on our homepage. We have a workout style dedicated to body weight exercises that incorporate Tabata exercises. If you have a gym membership, I suggest you check out the other workout styles that incorporate weight lifting. Weight lifting is wonderful for improving metabolism, muscular development, and fat loss!
So follow these three tips and give it some time. Stay consistent with this for a few weeks; it may take a consistent effort of doing it for 30 days to notice any changes.
Achieving this task can be done with a two part procedure, Diet and Exercise.
- Diet
- Testosterone
- Tips
- Weight Loss