Alright, while this article may be geared towards men, it should serve as a lesson that our bodies are quite sensitive to our environments. The old adage of “you are what you eat” maybe doesn’t quite paint the whole picture anymore. Read on, this is a public service announcement!
Low testosterone is the reason why you’re not noticing any muscle gains from all of that work you’ve put in. It’s not your fault, so much of what you come in contact with and experience on a daily basis physically causes your testosterone to decrease. Be it aging, your diet, every day stresses, to even your environment, nearly everything in this world has become a hostile environment for testosterone…but not this.
Of course there are plenty of things and ways to preserve and even increase testosterone levels but for the purpose of this article we’ll focus on just this one aspect.
We already did an article on the dangers of plastics with our hormonal chemistry (Especially Men) but to bring you up to speed: If it’s made of plastic odds are it has some estrogenic properties to it.
A Big Step In The Right Direction
Cut stuff out where you can. If you exercise at all, or have an active lifestyle, you’re going to need water and lots of it. When you’re on the go, either at the park, the gym, or wherever you’re going to need a water supply. Doing this on a regular basis with the current water containment devices (namely plastic water bottles) and you are putting yourself at risk of prolonged exposure to estrogen. That is, until now.
Metal water bottles were all the rage back in the days of your grandparents. They went out of style because of what? Rust? While rust may have been a concern, that can’t be the main reason (that just means you’d buy another one). Oh that’s right, plastic is cheaper! Well let me tell you something, plastic manufacturers. You keep your plastic I’ll keep my testosterone! Thank you very much. Also, stainless steel doesn’t rust. So, if you’re like us and hold testosterone in high regard, do yourself a favor and get a stainless steel water bottle.
For your testosterone, we are your advocates!