Right before and right after the gym; these are the most important times with regards to food. If you miss this window you’re either: not going to put as much effort in at the gym, or all of your effort will be wasted. So, we ask ourselves “What should I eat to get the most out of my gym session?” Well perhaps what you really should be asking is – “Should I eat?”
Before The Gym
We all have that mentality of needing a full tank before going to the gym, so we eat a bunch of random things from protein bars to sandwiches to full meals; and while the mind might be there and ready to go, the blood won’t be. We have a finite level of blood in our body, and blood is responsible for so much; as you know it transport oxygen and nutrients into the muscle cells during a workout. However, blood also aids in digestion; and if you have a full stomach guess where the blood isn’t going…your muscles. With that, I’ve pondered about what to eat before the gym myself. Yeah you could eat something about an hour to two hours before the gym, giving yourself enough time to digest. Or, read on and see what I’ve recently begun doing with great results!
As of October 2017 I’ve begun following an intermittent fasting eating schedule. This schedule has me fasting for about 21 hours (something I worked up towards). I’m going to the gym towards the tail end of the fast and I don’t eat my first meal until about 6pm. So, I can tell you from MUCH experience that you don’t need anything before the gym. From experience and research with intermittent fasting here’s what I can tell you:
I have as much (if not more) energy.
- Being in a fasted state promotes survival mode and puts you in a primal state with heightened adrenaline.
- Remember - hunters didn’t attempt to take down the Mammoth until they needed to…in other words - they were hungry. If these men can take down 6 ton animals while fasted, you will have enough energy to lift weights.
- Being in a fasted state promotes survival mode and puts you in a primal state with heightened adrenaline.
Working Out Fasted Increases Growth Hormone.
- When your body isn’t focused on digestion, your body can focus on distributing blood to the muscles. This allows for better nutrient transport, which allows for better muscle development.
Working Out Fasted Burns More Fat.
- Your body fat has a purpose, energy for survival. If you’re working out in the middle, or at the tail end of a fast, your body will need energy to work out. Where does this energy come from? Body fat.
Check out this article regarding the how to’s of Intermittent Fasting: What Is An Intermittent Fasting Routine?
After The Gym
Now, post workout is a different story. When you workout hard you’re putting your body under stress. This stress releases a hormone, namely a stress hormone, called cortisol. Cortisol does not promote muscle development. Cortisol is an antagonist to Testosterone, meaning that it is to testosterone as oil is to vinegar…can’t be in the same place at the same time. So, how do you reduce cortisol levels post workout? You spike your insulin levels. What’s the best way to spike insulin? Consume the simplest form of sugar post workout. I get in some form of DEXTROSE, about 30 – 50 grams post workout. Don’t get your sugar from fruit, fruit has fiber and fiber is a buffer. This means that the insulin will release at a slower more controlled rate, rather than a spike which is our goal. Another great solution is the protein shake. Bro-science aside, whey protein isolate is one of the purest forms of protein and pure protein with no buffers like fiber or fat actually spikes insulin quite well, with the added benefits of those Amino Acids! Cost wise, you can pick up the candy for much cheaper than those jugs of protein…your call!
That’s pretty much it. I highly suggest giving intermittent fasting a shot!
If men can take down 6 ton animals while fasted, you will have enough energy to lift weights.
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