The fitness supplement industry has boomed in these last few years, and with this growth you can now reach your optimal physical potential…as long as you go to a supplement store. However, more and more research is coming out that you’re better off going to the supermarket rather than these overpriced versions of the same thing. For instance, you can find this Legal Performance Enhancing Substance in your kitchen right now. Speaking of things in the kitchen, let’s talk about what is probably the manliest spice available; that is to say, Turmeric.
What Is Turmeric?
Related to ginger, it is a spice found in India. Turmeric has a vivid yellow color, is added to curries and other dishes found in Asian cuisine, and is used as a dye for foods and clothing. Turmeric smells vaguely like mustard, has a bitter taste, and comes in root or powder form. Turmeric is readily available and odds are you may even have some in your kitchen right now.
Manly Benefits:
1) Boost The Anabolic Effect Of Insulin
Research out of Iran has shown that Turmeric decreases inflammation within the body; more specifically, it reduces inflammation within the liver. With this reduction in inflammation, the liver becomes more sensitive to Insulin. Being insulin sensitive is probably The Single Best Thing To Do For Your Health.
2) Help Increase Testosterone Levels
Turmeric does this in multiple ways, but more specifically it increases cholesterol processing, and activating Vitamin D receptors. Testosterone is made from cholesterol. So by increasing how cholesterol is processed, namely by lowering LDL cholesterol and increasing HDL cholesterol within the body puts your body in a Pro testosterone environment. Most people are vitamin D insufficient, considering the few sources there are for obtaining it (especially if you’re lactose intolerant). However, even if you do consume a daily dose of vitamin D you could sadly be Pis**ng your money away if you don’t have a sufficient amount of vitamin D receptors; this is where turmeric comes in to play. Turmeric has been shown to increase the number of vitamin D receptors within the body.
3) Protect Testicular Function
Touching again on inflammation, testosterone is produced within the Leydig cells. Leydig cells are found within the testes. The Leydig cells are very sensitive to inflammation, and with increased inflammation the Leydig cells actually start to become suppressed and cannot perform the function of converting cholesterol into testosterone. As mentioned earlier, Turmeric is a very strong anti-inflammatory.
4) Help Reduce Estrogen Levels
While inflammation may be the cause for blocking the production of testosterone, and turmeric being a very strong anti-inflammatory, would you believe that turmeric also suppresses the creation of estrogen producing endometrial cells? So does this make estrogen an inflammatory hormone? Perhaps, but in either case, Turmeric blocks estrogen. Great news for men!
How To Take It:
Turmeric can be consumed many ways. If you have access to the root you can slice it thin and add it to dishes in place of, or in addition to, ginger. Also, if taken purely as a supplement it is suggested that you take the powdered form with ground black pepper. Black pepper contains a compound called Piperine. Piperine has been shown to increase the absorption of certain compounds, in this case the curcumin – the important compound found within Turmeric. It has been shown in studies that the proper amount of Turmeric is between 500 – 1000mg per day. Don’t waste money on supplements. Get the powder, and a scale.
Now you know the ins and outs of turmeric go forth and increase your T. Just a word of caution when weighing out the turmeric, don’t spill it; I’ve still got that stuff stained on my sink. Enjoy!
Research is coming out that you’re better off going to the supermarket rather than these overpriced versions of the same thing.