Getting Started

Speaking from experience of doing some modeling back in the day, I can tell you something that my agent told me...
With any goal in life, follow these four truths...
So, life happened. You had kids, work got in the way, and you’re always traveling and eating out. This lifestyle has left you overweight and out of shape. There are two roads you can go down...
You go to the gym every week, you’ve got days dedicated to each muscle group, so you’ve got everything covered…or do you? There are muscles that we all know we’ve ignored...
There are 3 exercises that will get your muscles growing like nothing else, but you’ll probably need to do them at a gym...
Going to the gym everyday (along with eating right) is the mindset of every person just starting out with fitness. But does days logged in at the gym equate to better results? Well, that depends on a few things...
You may have heard the saying, with regards to shedding pounds, “Calories burned must be greater than calories consumed.” To some, this saying…
So you go to the gym. Why? What’s your purpose? Do you have a specific goal, like strength training for a sport, or for power lifting, or do you go for...
Depending when you’re reading this, it may or may not be the beginning of the year. If it is, happy new year and it’s time for a new you! If it’s not, well, it’s never too late to start! Either way...
An intermittent fasting routine is a period of considerable duration in which you don’t consume any calories...
