Weight Training

Going to the gym isn’t enough to put on the muscle that you want. There are two factors that must be considered when your goal is maximizing muscle gains...
A good way to improve the strength of any muscle, and yes this always includes the tendon, is to progressively increase the resistance load applied. For instance…
A body weight movement for increased muscle mass?  With all of this hype of lifting heavy weights to gain muscle mass you may be wondering if this is possible...
This is one of the greatest gym questions of all time. Perhaps, Monday has become the universal chest day because...
You really don’t need a gym membership, fancy equipment, or a personal trainer to get huge arms at home!  All that matters is you have...

The Deadlift is one of the best (and probably least recognized) leg exercises.
Consider the muscles involved when performing this movement...

Ok, so you just had a great gym session.  You’re sweating, exhausted, and fatigued; but you wake up the next morning and you’re not sore.  Did you even work out that muscle?  Well, the answer is short and simple...
 A gym partner is a very valuable asset when you’re just starting out on your fitness journey. Here are a few things to consider...
So you’ve got a good workout going, you feel the pump and a nice sweat forming. Now you’re puking in the parking lot?? You’re supposed to feel good coming out of the gym not like you have the flu…
There is one exercise that reins king over all other Chest exercises.  This exercise alone can overcome any plateaus you are experiencing with your bench press...
