Weight Training

Have you ever been in a situation while running in some sort of running event, all proud of yourself giving it your all, and all of a sudden some person without even breaking a sweat is striding right by you...
The terms core and abs have been used interchangeably for quite some time now. However, when you get down to the anatomical nitty gritty, they’re not...
Whether it’s the middle of winter and you’re trapped inside your house, have a busy schedule and can’t make time to go to the gym, you don’t feel comfortable going to a gym, or just simply...
Above getting a six pack, this is probably the most sought after goal for most gym goers. Before you head to the gym and start pumping out tons of bicep curls and tricep extensions, learn the proper...
The best workout is and always will be the one that doesn’t feel like a chore; it doesn’t matter what is the most effective, or gets the fastest results. It’s the one that...
Here at Fitvocate we’ve been protein powder consumers for over 10 years now, and we’ve tried many brands. Like many others, we started off getting products with...
It took nearly 10 years of lifting weights, research, and experimentation to learn not only are there exercises that are more important (and effective) than others but also...

Probably one of the biggest complaints new comers to fitness have is the next day soreness that they experience, especially after leg day or exercising their core. When the next morning comes...

There is a set standard at the gym; that the true measure of someone’s strength is the amount of weight they can bench press, dead lift, and squat. But we don’t care about...
You go to the gym every week, you’ve got days dedicated to each muscle group, so you’ve got everything covered…or do you? There are muscles that we all know we’ve ignored...
