When people first start going to the gym they feel a need to go every day and push themselves to the point of collapsing. While we encourage this enthusiasm, this mentality is soon followed by quitting. We have found out through talking to many people and from our own experience that patience and gradually increasing intensity is the key to staying motivated. However, some of you may still be impatient and need results now! It is with this mentality that we send this message: fitness is a 3 legged stool. If any one component is off - the entire stool tips over! Here’s what you need to consider: REST, DIET, & EXERCISE
Fitness is a 3 legged stool. If any one component is off - the entire stool tips over!
You may be able to workout every day for 90 minutes but are you giving your body enough time to rest to do it consistently?
High levels of consistent stress with little sleep (Less than 6 hours per night) can cause more harm than good. Also, be sure that you have adequate time to recover a specific muscle before going back into the gym to work it out again.
Now let’s say you’re getting 9 hours of sleep every night, and you follow a proper workout routine, you’re still not out of the woods for causing harm to yourself! If you’re not giving your body enough nutrients to recover then you’re actually making yourself weaker! So, follow a consistent diet that emphasizes the major macro nutrients (Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats) as well as the micro nutrients (Vitamins and Minerals), and enough calories to meet your daily requirements! Here are our Top 10 Budget Anabolic Foods.
Lastly, your exercises need to be intense and challenging. Intense means that you’re keeping rest between sets minimal (around 2 minutes between sets) and Challenging means that you’re using a heavy enough weight to properly perform the specific reps per set with difficulty. If you’re going to be at the gym for 90 minutes you may as well make it worthwhile!
So there you have it, you can work out every day if you listen to your body and follow these principles!
If you’d like to try a proper workout routine, head to our free workout generator for free access to over 150 Trillion workouts!
We are advocates of your goals!
- Food For Thought
- Muscle Size
- Recovery
- Strength Development