Workout Generator

Your Workout
Front Squat 3x8
Burpees 3 min (20 sec work 10 sec rest)
Preacher Curl 4x8
Finger Curls (Barbell) 4x12
Hamstring Curl 4x8



For HIIT exercises: perform the movement for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds, and keep doing this movement for the designated amount of time (2, 3, 4, or 5 minutes).

CHOOSING A WORKOUT: Choose a workout style and hit the "GIVE ME MY WORKOUT" button.  You can either do this workout or keep clicking until you find a workout that interests you.  With over 150 Trillion workouts on the site, you'll never go to the gym not knowing what to do or have a stale routine again!

**Some workouts may contain the same exercise back to back (i.e. Back Squat).  When situations like this occur, be sure to use a weight that is difficult while still maintaining proper form throughout movement...adjust the weight used based on the reps & sets prescibed.  Also, you don't need to do the exercises in the order shown; so if the back to back exercise is something that doesn't use weights (i.e. Pull Up) you can just come back to that second instance later in your workout.  Visit our about page to learn more about how to use this workout.

Check out our workout tips.

Ego lifting never proves anything.

We think you're cool, regardless.

Topics To Assist Your Fitness Goals!


Exercise That Will Help You Do A Pull Up

If there is one movement at the gym that displays physical strength more than anything else it would be the...

More Topics To Motivate You!

Amount of Gym Time Needed To Build Muscle
When you leave the gym do you find yourself wondering if that gym session was the proper amount of time? If you stay too long you could be...
How Long Should I Stay In The Gym?
We are constantly being told a short workout is better than a longer one and then a longer one will burn more calories than a shorter one.  When you combine this conundrum with being exposed to...
Be Prepared To Fail: A Fitness Journey
A lot of people are aware of never giving up, and not quitting. You can read tons of...
Will Our Bodies Use Muscle Before Fat For Fuel?
Have you ever gone through a day without anytime to eat? Or, only enough time to have one quick meal here or there? With the hectic schedules we put on ourselves...
Does Lifting Heavy Increase Testosterone?

So you’re looking to build some muscle. You’ve heard that having high levels of testosterone is the key to getting big. Unless you’re on “stuff”, and have testosterone levels of a silverback gorilla, you may be...

Top 10 Tips For Six Pack Abs
You had to know this was going to be the first tip. Diet is so important that it nearly surpasses all other tips on this list…
Reasons To Avoid Processed Foods
Welcome young warrior, you’ve trekked far and wide seeking refuge from the invasion of many outside powers. Your people have been ravaged and forced into new ways of thinking...
What Exercises Should I Do To Lose Weight?
The best workout is and always will be the one that doesn’t feel like a chore; it doesn’t matter what is the most effective, or gets the fastest results. It’s the one that...
How Do I Gain Muscle At 50 Years Old?
When men pass the age of about 25 or so, testosterone production begins to slow. By the age of 50 your testosterone levels are significantly lower…
Importance Of Weight Training After 50
There’s an old saying that growing old is compulsory but growing up is optional. Unfortunately this saying is telling you that...
Pros And Cons Of Having A Six Pack?
Just to be clear, we all have a six pack just some of us have it buried under some cushion. Now, when you read that title your initial thought may be “what could possibly be a con?”…
How Can I Strengthen My Tendons?
A good way to improve the strength of any muscle, and yes this always includes the tendon, is to progressively increase the resistance load applied. For instance…
Preventing Sugar From Turning Into Body Fat
In the lottery of health there really is only one winner. The person whose body can efficiently utilize all carbohydrates and simple sugars has won something great that they probably take for granted...
The Biggest Hoaxes In The Bodybuilding Industry Revealed
So you go to the gym. Why? What’s your purpose? Do you have a specific goal, like strength training for a sport, or for power lifting, or do you go for...
Exercise That Will Help You Do A Pull Up
If there is one movement at the gym that displays physical strength more than anything else it would be the...
How Do I Stay Ripped Year Round?
Ok so you want to be bathing suit ready…in January…in Chicago? Why not? You never know, you might get a surprise business trip to Florida…
Fitness: How To Get Started

So, you’ve decided to change something about yourself, maybe being active hasn’t been important to you , or you have been in the past, but life caught up with you and you…

Cardio: Before Or After A Workout?
To do cardio before my workout, or after? What a question indeed. On the surface you’d say “If I do it before my workout I’ll have no energy to lift any weights…
How To Reduce Wrist Pain Caused By Front Squats
Anyone who has just started performing front squats will have the same complaint. There’s a sort of stinging, stretching pain that you feel at your wrists...
Will Going Beltless For Heavy Deadlifts Work My Abs More?
If you are anywhere near your one rep max, proceed with caution.  Yes, it can be argued that you don’t need a belt with a strong core. However...
What To Know About Fasting
There are different types of fasting. There is fasting for a religious purpose such as during Lent and during Ramadan, but then there is also the new diet craze…
How Heavy Is Too Heavy To Stop Growth?
You would follow the mantra of go big or go home, right?   Well, I'll tell you that this mentality couldn't be further from the truth.  While we absolutely condone lifting the heaviest weight you can...
Quickest Way To Put On Muscle
There are 3 exercises that will get your muscles growing like nothing else, but you’ll probably need to do them at a gym...
Staying Motivated To Exercise
Staying motivated is one of the toughest aspects to any goal you set for yourself. You’ll start off the journey with extremely high spirits, energy, and excitement; but eventually what was a goal…
What To Eat Before And After The Gym
Right before and right after the gym; these are the most important times with regards to food. If you miss this window...
How To Gain Confidence And Motivation At The Gym
It’s a true shame if you’ve ever walked into a Gym and were ever ridiculed.  However, if this is the case (and you haven’t quit) then we will do our best to boost your confidence...
An Effective Home Workout Program To Gain Muscle?
As we’re sure you may be aware of those DVD workout routines that everyone talks about, or the gimmicky exercise equipment that pops up on late night TV, all of this…
Deadlifting For Leg Strength?

The Deadlift is one of the best (and probably least recognized) leg exercises.
Consider the muscles involved when performing this movement...

Kettle Bells: A Fitness Icon
The Kettle Bell appears to be surging in popularity right now; there is a reason we’ve integrated it into our logo. When people see one of these they instantly...
Beginner’s Guide To Getting A V-Taper Body Shape
There’s no better answer to the age old question of “Do you even lift?” than having a v-taper body shape. It’s the image that most kids…
Why Are My Muscles Bigger After A Workout?
Muscles get bigger after a workout because the muscles that are being focused on are being repeatedly pumped with...
Does Repeating The Same Workout Everyday Help Muscles Grow?
When it comes to physical conditioning, doing the same thing everyday is beneficial but not with what you may be thinking. By performing the same movement/exercise/workout everyday…
Which Is Quicker For A Six Pack: Full Body Circuits or Ab Routines?
The best workouts to achieve abdominal muscle development are full body movements:...
Can You Gain Muscle Mass With Pull-Ups?
A body weight movement for increased muscle mass?  With all of this hype of lifting heavy weights to gain muscle mass you may be wondering if this is possible...
Is It Safe To Mix Pre-Workouts And Cardio?
Let’s start off by saying we don’t use pre workout, and you shouldn’t either. No, we don’t use a pre-workout in the common sense of the word. The pre-workouts that you find on the shelves are...
How to Read Food Labels
 How can you tell the quality of food?  It's actually pretty easy because the food companies have to (by law) tell you what’s in your food and this is done simply with...
Is 0% Body Fat Healthy?
0% body fat would be unhealthy, not only that I believe it would be extremely difficult to achieve naturally...
3 Rules For A Successful Cheat Day
Who would have thought that there are rules to follow on a day with cheat in its name? Well there is a method to this day of indulgence...
Best Cardio To Perform With Shin Splints
Shin Splints are painful!  Can you imagine muscles getting inflamed to a point that they’re actually putting pressure on your bones?  Yes, that is what is going on...
Signs You Should Stop Exercising
The more you adapt to the fitness lifestyle the more in tune you are with your body. By the routine dieting and exercising day in and day out, you are supplying your body with...
What Causes Nausea And Dizziness After Weight Lifting?
So you’ve got a good workout going, you feel the pump and a nice sweat forming. Now you’re puking in the parking lot?? You’re supposed to feel good coming out of the gym not like you have the flu…
How Long Before Muscle Gains Are Visible?
Anyone who exercises asks this question. Whether you’re just getting started, or you’ve been at it for a good while, everyone wants to see improvement! Some people appreciate the achievement of...
One Simple Way To Increase Testosterone
What’s more cruel and terrifying than a lethal gas chamber? How about a gas chamber that exposes you to pro-estrogen gas that slowly, yet, continuously quite literally will rob you of your manhood...
How Many Days Should I Workout Per Week?
Going to the gym everyday (along with eating right) is the mindset of every person just starting out with fitness. But does days logged in at the gym equate to better results? Well, that depends on a few things...
Train For Strength Or Hypertrophy?
What is the best strategy? One involves high weight and low reps, while the other involves high reps and low weight. Is exclusively training with one of these strategies even effective...
Want To Strength Train Every Day?
When people first start going to the gym they feel a need to go every day and push themselves to the point of collapsing. While we encourage this enthusiasm...
What Does Exercise Do To The Brain?
When you hear people say exercising is good for you, trust them. Our bodies are designed to be mobile. It has been said that our bodies have immense capabilities but we...
A Must Do Leg Exercise
Leg Day is the bang for your buck workout day. By now you should know that by being the biggest muscle group you have an accelerated...
Best Ways To Improve Running Strength, Speed, And Endurance
Have you ever been in a situation while running in some sort of running event, all proud of yourself giving it your all, and all of a sudden some person without even breaking a sweat is striding right by you...
Guide To Increasing Your Vertical Jump
So you’ve decided that it was time to improve your vertical jump. How smart of you not to simply buy new sneakers. So, if you just stumbled on this site and are...
3 Words A Beginner To Fitness Should Focus On
There is much more to getting in shape than putting in a lot of work at the gym. Achieving a better physique and improving strength requires...
Effectiveness Of Push And Pull Day Routines
It’s a growing trend to develop a training schedule that revolves around pushing weight and pulling weight. However, to those of you who are unaware of this training style…
Push/Pull Workouts, The Most Effective Workout Style?
The word effective is tossed around a lot. Frankly, it’s a very subjective term. If you feel like it was a good workout then you’d probably say it was effective. If you sweat...
Fitness: A Three Legged Stool
We’re all fitness experts. Of course we are. You can go up to anyone on the street, anyone at all, and they will tell you how to...
How Do I Lose Belly Fat Without Working Out?
Well wouldn’t this be nice.  Sitting on the couch, watching TV, eating potato chips and losing weight?  Only if, but of course that’s not how this works.  If you want to lose stored energy aka FAT, you’ll have to...
When To Take Creatine
Creatine is one of those supplements that everyone who is involved with anything fitness related knows about. Creatine is also the most...
Best Strategy For Building A Strong Core
The terms core and abs have been used interchangeably for quite some time now. However, when you get down to the anatomical nitty gritty, they’re not...
Naturally Increase Testosterone While Dieting
So you’ve gotten yourself a gym membership. You said to yourself that it was time you improved your physique. You go to the gym everyday and work yourself to exhaustion. It’s been a few weeks now...
Best For Muscle Development: 3 Day Split or Every Day
As long as there has been lifting things up and putting things down there have been two philosophies: do it every day, or do it every other day. Is one better than...
Fastest Way To Lose 10 Pounds
No, this is not a gimmick. No, there are no dangerous drugs involved. No, this is not from starvation or, by inducing some sort of rapid ejection…
Is It Ineffective To Always Train At One Rep Max?

If you were to train at 100% every day you'd fry your nervous system.  So, in short yes, one rep max (ORM) training should only be used to...

How To Workout Like A Male Model
Speaking from experience of doing some modeling back in the day, I can tell you something that my agent told me...
Burn Fat Without Burning Muscle
Worried about losing those hard earned gains? Hours spent at the gym sweating to [insert ironic shameful pop band] just to watch it all wash away with that dank skin juice…
Best Ways For Men To Maximize Muscle Gains
Going to the gym isn’t enough to put on the muscle that you want. There are two factors that must be considered when your goal is maximizing muscle gains...
Optimal Time Between Eating And Hitting The Gym
Have you ever gone to the gym and felt tired, or weak, and wondered what’s wrong? Perhaps you should be wondering...
One Simple Way to Increase Testosterone

What’s more cruel and terrifying than a lethal gas chamber? How about a gas chamber that exposes you to pro-estrogen gas that slowly, yet continuously, quite literally will rob you of your manhood…

Losing The Baby Face
So, you’ve gotten your body to a physique that you’re happy with. All of those hours of sweat and hard work have paid off. Yet when you look in the mirror, something still frustrates you...
5 Most Important Habits To A Healthy Lifestyle
Weight training aside, the best habit you could adapt for your health would have to be your diet.  Follow the below set of rules and you will be heading towards the direction of healthy living...
How To Avoid Injury When Lifting Heavy
Heavy lifting and injury unfortunately are almost synonymous. Whether it’s a matter of ego lifting, or poor coaching, one way or another heavy lifting will lead to an injury. This mentality has caused…
Top 5 Anaerobic Exercises
It took nearly 10 years of lifting weights, research, and experimentation to learn not only are there exercises that are more important (and effective) than others but also...
What Is The Best Way To Get Fit At Home?
Whether it’s the middle of winter and you’re trapped inside your house, have a busy schedule and can’t make time to go to the gym, you don’t feel comfortable going to a gym, or just simply...
Using A Rowing Machine For Muscle Gains?
Someone who is concerned about gaining muscle from the row machine or running should consider what is required to build muscle…resistance, and intensity! There are two types of...
Difference Between Reps And Sets
If you’re a beginner to working out there may be some confusion between sets and reps. You may be interested in performing a workout and misread the instructions on what to do. Should I be doing...
How Do I Prevent Muscle Loss As I Age?
Muscle loss as we age is only natural, but, we can preserve as much as possible with a little know how. Things are different for men and women. Considering men, as we age we have less…
Build Arm Muscles At Home
You really don’t need a gym membership, fancy equipment, or a personal trainer to get huge arms at home!  All that matters is you have...
How To Pick A Good Protein Powder
Here at Fitvocate we’ve been protein powder consumers for over 10 years now, and we’ve tried many brands. Like many others, we started off getting products with...
The Best Pre-Workout Fuel
I may or may not be the best person to give advice on this, that all depends on your perspective. I’ve been practicing fasting for two years now and...
Tips And Tweaks For Bigger Arm Muscles
Above getting a six pack, this is probably the most sought after goal for most gym goers. Before you head to the gym and start pumping out tons of bicep curls and tricep extensions, learn the proper...
Two Commandments For Getting A Six Pack
Obtaining a strong lean core is the goal most people set for themselves; however the breaking of these two rules can ruin your chances over almost any other factor. These go much deeper than...
The Single Best Thing To Do For Your Health
There is a specific hormone that is very sensitive, and if not taken care of properly your health will go on a downward spiral…quickly. You will learn about it here and also how to protect this precious hormone...
The Secret To Building Muscle
Do you want to know a secret? The fitness industry is full of gimmicks and nonsense, and yet through it all there is still an opportunity for some truth to be revealed...
Two Muscles You Need To Exercise But Aren’t
You go to the gym every week, you’ve got days dedicated to each muscle group, so you’ve got everything covered…or do you? There are muscles that we all know we’ve ignored...
Top 5 Worst “HEALTH FOODS” pt. 1
Before I begin this article, I think it is highly important that you know this: Eating junk food won’t make you fat. A caloric surplus makes you fat…
Shoestring Budget Guide To A Muscle Building Diet
As once a college student and as an entrepreneur I am very familiar with tight budgets. I understand the struggle and am here to show you what I’ve learned...
What’s The Best Exercise For A Bigger Chest?
There is one exercise that reins king over all other Chest exercises.  This exercise alone can overcome any plateaus you are experiencing with your bench press...
Should I Be Using Gymnastic Rings For Pull Ups?
Honestly if you’re worried about something like this then you really are an animal! Most gym goers won’t even attempt one pull up…
Healthy Way To Lose 20 Pounds For Summer
Now, we may not all be interested in losing 20 pounds; some more and some less.  However, with whatever amount of weight you want to lose the message and strategy remains the same...
Right Weight For The Right Rep Count
Well, the most important thing is that you are challenging yourself! Remember this over everything else. Meaning that if you have the reps and sets chosen...
How To Have An Effective HIIT Workout
In terms of fitness, intensity can be defined by keeping rest to a minimum. In terms of HIIT, we take that definition and amplify it!
More Effective To Work Out Alone Or With A Partner?
 A gym partner is a very valuable asset when you’re just starting out on your fitness journey. Here are a few things to consider...
Where To Find The High Testosterone Diet?
Ever wonder why some cultures have people that are giants among men, or why some cultures breed athletes? Or perhaps how people from certain regions could…
Strategy To Increase Your Bench, Dead Lift, and Squat
There is a set standard at the gym; that the true measure of someone’s strength is the amount of weight they can bench press, dead lift, and squat. But we don’t care about...
Building Strength or Size?
When you’re a natural lifter (non steroids) there is no difference. There has been a growing misconception of a disassociation with muscle size and strength...
What To Do With A Sore Muscle

Probably one of the biggest complaints new comers to fitness have is the next day soreness that they experience, especially after leg day or exercising their core. When the next morning comes...

Why Does Lifting Heavier Weight Take More Time?
Of course it is obvious that heavier weight will take longer to exercise with, but have you ever considered why? To simply say because it is heavier is like saying...
Do Dead Lifts Build Arm Strength And Size?
A lot of people avoid performing dead lifts. It is either too hard to do, or they are scared of dead lifts because of the horror videos that you come across on YouTube. The problem here is...
How To Get Back In Shape
So, life happened. You had kids, work got in the way, and you’re always traveling and eating out. This lifestyle has left you overweight and out of shape. There are two roads you can go down...
What Is An Intermittent Fasting Routine?
An intermittent fasting routine is a period of considerable duration in which you don’t consume any calories...
Why Is Monday Always Chest Day?
This is one of the greatest gym questions of all time. Perhaps, Monday has become the universal chest day because...
Should Beginners Stick With Machines Over Free Weights?
The most effective workouts for muscle & strength development involve a barbell, dumbbell, pull up bar, and/or a dip bar. When you’re just...
How Do I Know If I Am Gaining Muscle?
So you’ve been going to the gym for about a month now. You’ve put in a lot of work, and have been going consistent enough to…
Top 5 Common Beginner Workout Mistakes
We’ve all been there; you get an instant jolt of motivation to workout and get in shape, and then you lose all hope just as fast as the motivation came on. However, while the motivation...
Motivation To Exercising Daily
Depending when you’re reading this, it may or may not be the beginning of the year. If it is, happy new year and it’s time for a new you! If it’s not, well, it’s never too late to start! Either way...
I Don’t Get Muscle Pain Or Soreness After Weight Lifting At All?
Ok, so you just had a great gym session.  You’re sweating, exhausted, and fatigued; but you wake up the next morning and you’re not sore.  Did you even work out that muscle?  Well, the answer is short and simple...
Should I Combine My Workouts If I Skipped A Day?
Well, there isn’t really a set formula to follow. The best advice here would be that a good workout should consist of 5 movements...
How Do I Know How Close I Am To Seeing A Six Pack?
We all strive for something when we go to the gym, be it weight loss or muscle gain or even more confidence; and then we have the people who just want to have abs…
Are Free Weights Better Than Machines?
I’ve always been a firm believer in free weights over machines. Reason being is supportive muscle and secondary muscle movement. When you are on a machine it is pretty isolated…
Cardio Or Weight Training To Lose Fat?
You may have heard the saying, with regards to shedding pounds, “Calories burned must be greater than calories consumed.” To some, this saying…
How Are Six Pack Abs Formed?
The muscles are there.  They don’t just magically appear.  Some people just develop them “better” than others, that’s the fact of the matter.  There are a few factors that accentuate the abdominal appearance...
Is It Difficult To Maintain A Six Pack?
So you’ve put in the effort and now you’ve got that chiseled core that most people can only dream about. Congratulations! Your hard work has paid off...
Can You Turn Fat Into Muscle?
Wouldn’t that be nice. Well sorry that's not possible...you would need magic. Fatty tissue is completely different from muscle tissue.  Now, if you’d like to reduce your...
The Four Truths of Fitness
With any goal in life, follow these four truths...

Suggested Gear To Assist Your Fitness Goals!