
Now, we may not all be interested in losing 20 pounds; some more and some less.  However, with whatever amount of weight you want to lose the message and strategy remains the same...
An intermittent fasting routine is a period of considerable duration in which you don’t consume any calories...
Well wouldn’t this be nice.  Sitting on the couch, watching TV, eating potato chips and losing weight?  Only if, but of course that’s not how this works.  If you want to lose stored energy aka FAT, you’ll have to...
Have you ever gone to the gym and felt tired, or weak, and wondered what’s wrong? Perhaps you should be wondering...
Ok so you want to be bathing suit ready…in January…in Chicago? Why not? You never know, you might get a surprise business trip to Florida…
There are different types of fasting. There is fasting for a religious purpose such as during Lent and during Ramadan, but then there is also the new diet craze…
The muscles are there.  They don’t just magically appear.  Some people just develop them “better” than others, that’s the fact of the matter.  There are a few factors that accentuate the abdominal appearance...
0% body fat would be unhealthy, not only that I believe it would be extremely difficult to achieve naturally...
Wouldn’t that be nice. Well sorry that's not would need magic. Fatty tissue is completely different from muscle tissue.  Now, if you’d like to reduce your...
Weight training aside, the best habit you could adapt for your health would have to be your diet.  Follow the below set of rules and you will be heading towards the direction of healthy living...
