Weight Loss

The best workout is and always will be the one that doesn’t feel like a chore; it doesn’t matter what is the most effective, or gets the fastest results. It’s the one that...
It took nearly 10 years of lifting weights, research, and experimentation to learn not only are there exercises that are more important (and effective) than others but also...
Speaking from experience of doing some modeling back in the day, I can tell you something that my agent told me...
Ever wonder why some cultures have people that are giants among men, or why some cultures breed athletes? Or perhaps how people from certain regions could…
You may have heard the saying, with regards to shedding pounds, “Calories burned must be greater than calories consumed.” To some, this saying…
Depending when you’re reading this, it may or may not be the beginning of the year. If it is, happy new year and it’s time for a new you! If it’s not, well, it’s never too late to start! Either way...
Now, we may not all be interested in losing 20 pounds; some more and some less.  However, with whatever amount of weight you want to lose the message and strategy remains the same...
An intermittent fasting routine is a period of considerable duration in which you don’t consume any calories...
Ok so you want to be bathing suit ready…in January…in Chicago? Why not? You never know, you might get a surprise business trip to Florida…
There are different types of fasting. There is fasting for a religious purpose such as during Lent and during Ramadan, but then there is also the new diet craze…
