Muscle Size

You go to the gym every week, you’ve got days dedicated to each muscle group, so you’ve got everything covered…or do you? There are muscles that we all know we’ve ignored...
There are 3 exercises that will get your muscles growing like nothing else, but you’ll probably need to do them at a gym...
Right before and right after the gym; these are the most important times with regards to food. If you miss this window...

So you’re looking to build some muscle. You’ve heard that having high levels of testosterone is the key to getting big. Unless you’re on “stuff”, and have testosterone levels of a silverback gorilla, you may be...

So you go to the gym. Why? What’s your purpose? Do you have a specific goal, like strength training for a sport, or for power lifting, or do you go for...
Going to the gym isn’t enough to put on the muscle that you want. There are two factors that must be considered when your goal is maximizing muscle gains...
Heavy lifting and injury unfortunately are almost synonymous. Whether it’s a matter of ego lifting, or poor coaching, one way or another heavy lifting will lead to an injury. This mentality has caused…
Anyone who exercises asks this question. Whether you’re just getting started, or you’ve been at it for a good while, everyone wants to see improvement! Some people appreciate the achievement of...
Honestly if you’re worried about something like this then you really are an animal! Most gym goers won’t even attempt one pull up…
A good way to improve the strength of any muscle, and yes this always includes the tendon, is to progressively increase the resistance load applied. For instance…
